Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability

Voorheen tijdschrift voor Compliance

2023 nr. 3



Sharon Oded


Renske Fikkers
Karen F. Fluks
Emmeline van Heukelem
Arend Koper
Edward Nkune
Peter-Jan Engelen
mr. A. B. Schoonbeek
C. Sijstermans LLM
Marlon Straathof
Marijke Terpstra
Bartheke Weerstra
Anne-Claire L. Wilmink

Vaste medewerkers

Sam Curtis
Edgar D. Karssing


Frank T.G.J. Segers




  Effective compliance training, as part of a compliance and ethics program, is considered crucial for organizations to foster ethical conduct, and mitigate risks. In this edition the authors and interviewees share practical experiences, as well as insights and theory from amongst others adult-learning principles and critical management studies, on, and related to, compliance and integrity training efforts. Team performance is emphasized. Other authors emphasize the need for personalized, engaging, and concise training modules that accommodate legal and cultural differences.... ...lees meer


'Rule-based compliance programs are not effective'

Jeroen Boogaard and Kfir Manor1

Companies should concentrate on designing effective training programs by involving subsidiaries and tailoring content to be relevant to employees. These actions are fundamental to creating a sense of importance and connection to their daily work, says Dr. Kfir Manor. Kfir Manor has significant experience in corporate risk management and compliance programs within multinational corporations. His experience includes anti-bribery, financial compliance (SOX), data privacy, third-party risk management, professional practice (Pharma), and more. He has a PhD in law and has conducted rese... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Making it work: Effective Compliance Trainings

Zara Mathew and Nienke de Munck1

1. The ‘business card’ of compliance Compliance training matters – after assessing the compliance risks of your organization, and then formalizing the rules and behavioral expectations in policies and procedures, you have to ensure that your employees (and, where appropriate, business partners such as agents and distributors) know what is expected of them, that they understand the rules they need to adhere to. Knowledge about policies and procedures thus is a critical step towards compliance – a prerequisite even.   In light of this, it’s not surprisin... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

'Make compliance training easy for employees'

Jeroen Boogaard and Roland Notermans1

Compliance is a critical concern for most organizations. Compliance consultant Roland Notermans shares his tips and best practices to make compliance training more effective and engaging for employees. Roland Notermans has more than 25 years of experience in compliance and business conduct programs. Initially as Head of Compliance and Legal Affairs of the medical division of Royal Philips with more than 30,000 employees. Then as Senior Vice President,  and Head of Compliance of the Dutch Philips organization. Sin... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Compliance training, or training compliance?

Peter Westdijk1

Banks, insurance companies, pension funds and many more companies in other industries struggle to cope with the increasingly complex regulatory landscape: how can they manage regulatory risks and foster a strong compliance culture? The role of the compliance officer is obviously to enable this; to play a part in this as trainer, coach or consultant. But how does a compliance officer get trained themselves? What skills and traits does a compliance officer need to perform successfully, to get some job satisfaction and to grow as a person, and more importantly; how do they gain and retain t... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Zonder dialoog geen compliance

dr. M. de Vries RA en prof. mr. dr. F. de Vries1

Opleiden en trainen zijn weliswaar belangrijk om ethisch gedrag in organisaties te stimuleren, maar tegelijkertijd niet een voldoende voorwaarde. Wie ethisch gedrag in organisaties wil bevorderen, moet begrijpen waardoor gedrag in de eigen organisatie gestuurd wordt. 1. Inleiding De meeste compliance officers zullen het voorbeeld kennen: in 1999 werd het Amerikaanse Enron door het gezaghebbende tijdschrift Fortune uitgeroepen tot de “No. 1 in Quality of Management”. CEO Richard Kinder stond bekend als ‘Doctor Discipline’. Nauwelijks twee jaa... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Critical Studies als uitdaging voor integriteit en compliance

dr. M.J. Becker1

Afgelopen decennia is het wetenschappelijk landschap verrijkt met een aantal critical studies. De eerste loot aan de stam was Critical Management Studies (CMS), die in de jaren ‘90 de organisatiewetenschap opschudden. Daarnaast ontstonden al snel nieuwe vormen die zich tot academische disciplines ontwikkelden: critical legal studies, critical race studies, critical data studies, critical accounting en fat studies. Het is ondoenlijk deze onder één heldere noemer te plaatsen, maar wel is te zeggen dat ze alle vanuit een normati... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

A systemic approach to culture change

Jolien de Boer, Suzanne de Boer-Verheij, Marjan Houweling and Marlène Jans1

A healthy organizational culture is one of the strongest drivers of an organization's success. However, many initiatives to change an organizational culture, to really embed the desired developments permanently in the organization, fail or at least do not deliver the desired outcomes. Several pitfalls can result in failures or lack of effectiveness. Based on a team development approach that is already applied extensively in practice, we introduce a systemic approach at team level. This approach enables organizations to uncover hidden patterns and dynamics in the organization. And to cons... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

De verdachte transacties van drugshandelaren: witwasrisico's

dr. M.R.J. Soudijn1

De vierde Europese anti-witwasrichtlijn verplicht elke EU-lidstaat een National Risk Assessment (NRA) Witwassen op te stellen. Nederland heeft inmiddels al twee NRA’s uitgebracht die volledig kwalitatief zijn opgezet. Voor beide rapporten zijn tientallen individuele interviews met experts gehouden naast meerdere groepsgewijze expertmeetings. Er zijn echter geen kwantitatieve bronnen gebruikt om aannames te toetsen, zoals data van de Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) Nederland. De Wereldbank Group merkt op dat hierin een zwakte besl... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

CSRD reporting requirements place Compliance function in the spotlight

Rebecca Kozlowski, Serap Tutkun and Laura Schroder-Van Oorschot1

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (‘CSRD’) requires an estimated 50,000 companies in the European Union (‘EU’) to report on a wide range of Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) topics and puts the compliance function in the spotlight. Many companies may be unaware that their existing Compliance function activities may already address some of the CSRD requirements, such as Anti-Bribery and Corruption (‘ABAC’) training and risk culture. However, most companies will have gaps to resolve or may be str... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Corporate Responsible Citizenship: Lessons from the Monaco Memo

Linda Schut and Karla Perez Aguilera1

In this article, we explore the changing landscape of corporate responsibility and accountability, driven by changes in values, societal expectations and stricter legislation. Due to this changing landscape, organisations face increasing pressure to demonstrate responsible behaviour and adapt their businesses, whilst making a positive impact. Organisations are expected to become ‘corporate responsible citizens’. These developments are also visible in the vision and approach of US enforcement agencies, and therefore affect corporate compliance programs. In the first part of t... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

Uit de boekenkast van de bedrijfsethiek (87)

prof. dr. E.D. Karssing1

In de bedrijfsethiek is een groot aantal boeken en artikelen verschenen waarin op praktische wijze integriteitsvraagstukken worden behandeld en concrete aanbevelingen worden gedaan voor het bevorderen van de ethiek en integriteit van organisaties en hun medewerkers. Niet iedereen weet deze publicaties te vinden of heeft tijd ze te lezen. Daarom kijkt Edgar Karssing geregeld voor het Tijdschrift voor Compliance in de boekenkast van de bedrijfsethiek en bespreekt hij een artikel of boek. Deze bijdragen zijn geen recensies, maar een samenvatting van de belangrijkste conclus... abonneren of dit artikel kopen.

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